Advocacy Resources

Resources put together to assist in advocacy in all New England states.

Making a Clean Energy Cleaner
Americans have been using American-made propane for 100 years for low carbon energy that goes places others can't. Today, we have renewable propane. Building upon the many benefits of conventional propane, renewable further reduces carbon emissions without sacrificing performance. Learn all about the similarities and differences between conventional and renewable propane here.
Making a Clean Energy Cleaner Download
New England's Economy Runs on Propane Infographic
Green, sustainable propane is a crucial component of a healthy New England home and a healthy New England economy. Across the region, propane heats homes and storefronts, powers forklifts and construction, creates jobs and small-business opportunities, and contributes billions of dollars to annual GDP. Look at the integral role propane plays in your home state and those of your neighbors.
PGANE Infographic Download
New England Carbon Intensity Infographic
Carbon Intensity is the total carbon emissions (or total carbon footprint) embodied in an energy carrier such as propane or electricity right from the source to the point of use. Check out these infographics on the carbon intensity of propane vs the electric grid in New England.
New England Carbon Intensity Infographic Download
Environmental Advocacy Resources
Downloadable resources for advocacy pertaining to environmental issues within the six New England states.
Environmental Advocacy Resources Page